We design Ready-Made Coaching Tools that you can start using with your clients TODAY.


Hit the ground running with these 5 Simple Tools

Coaching Kick Start Pack

Done-For-You Template Pack (for Clients)
White-label coaching tools ready to use with your clients today.

How To Wake Up Inspired and Motivated

White-label Life Coaching Workbook (for Clients)
A comprehensive guide to personal development planning that you can re-rebrand for your business.

Discovering You

Non-Editable Life Coaching Workbook (for Clients)
All the major Life Coaching 101 stuff, clients need to get through, first, to facilitate change. Editable version coming soon.

Find Your Coaching Sweet Spot

Discover Your Coaching Niche
Discover a coaching niche that’s perfectly suited to your passions and expertise.

Each coach starts his/her own ripple effect that makes the world a better place.

I love being a part of that cycle by creating Ready-Made Coaching Tools for other Coaches to use and hit the ground running with their clients from day-1.

I’d love for you to check out our suite of Ready-Made Coaching Tools and see which ones will help you and your Coaching clients get off to a flying start!

Jenny Williams
CEO Universal Coaching Systems

Each coach starts his/her own ripple effect that makes the world a better place.

I love being a part of that cycle by creating Ready-Made Coaching Tools for other Coaches to use and hit the ground running with their clients from day-1.

I’d love for you to check out our suite of Ready-Made Coaching Tools and see which ones will help you and your Coaching clients get off to a flying start!

Jenny Williams
CEO Universal Coaching Systems

The Latest From Our Blog and Podcast

How To Write A Meaningful About Page For Your Coaching Website

How To Write A Meaningful About Page For Your Coaching Website

I am always curious to know the origin story of businesses, and the people behind them. The About Us / About Me page is one of the first sections I like to visit when considering purchasing a product or service. Unfortunately, many coaches and companies leave this...

Co-Creating Coaching Contracts With Your Clients

Co-Creating Coaching Contracts With Your Clients

I’ve always thought of writing as a process that helps clarify and solidify things. One of the best ways to clarify goals, expectations, and actions within your coaching program is to create a coaching contract! Put it all into writing and get your client (and...

Why All Coaches Need A Website

Why All Coaches Need A Website

Now more than ever, Coaches need to have a website and an online presence. With the COVID-19 lockdowns and isolation periods around the world, we have all experienced that life, work, socializing, almost everything would and could continue online, truly it HAD to....

Intention-Setting: Prayers On Post-It Notes

Intention-Setting: Prayers On Post-It Notes

I came across a quote while browsing Instagram (sorry, there was no attribution) that says: “Your diet isn’t just what you eat and drink: It’s who you talk to, who your friends are, what you watch, what you listen to, what you read. Be mindful of the things you put...

How To Create An EBook Cover In Canva

How To Create An EBook Cover In Canva

You have finished writing an eBook for your coaching clients and to create passive income. The hard part is done, but how do you want to present the book? They say you can’t judge a book by its cover, but I know for me personally, I actually do. An eye-catching cover...

10 Ways To Get Traffic To Your Coaching Website

What’s the point of having a website for your coaching business if no one sees it? Does your website feel like the tree that falls in the forest and no one is around, does it make a sound? Now more than ever, it is incredibly important that your website get traffic....

Expert V/S Coach

Why is it important to talk about coaching? Why isn’t it enough to just have knowledge and expertise on a topic and call yourself a coach? When you look back on all the guides, mentors, and teachers you’ve had, surely you will remember one who stands out for you. What...

Happy Clients

Highly recommended

Thank you for the templates!! I just wanted to let you know how helpful they were! I highly recommend them to any coach starting out. It is in my opinion worth the small investment! Thanks again.

Debbie Kegan

Life Coach

Awesome tools.

I just wanted to thank you for the awesome tools Universal Coaching Systems has provided me with for working with my clients. I recently did a workshop using the Pathfinder Program and many of the participants left with a renewed sense of who they are and definitely have a plan of action for moving forward in life. Thank you for providing such a wonderful resource to help those find direction again in life.

Mark Flory

Spiritual Interpreter/Life Architect

Love your stuff – I am a total junkie!
Jennifer Sparks Berthelot

Personal Trainer & Life Coach, Swift Kick Fitness

I LOVE your products. You rock and thanks!
Carolyn G. Anderson

CEO & Life Coach, carolynganderson.com

"This content is invaluable as I am just starting out as a coach. Thank you so so much."

Nadia Ahmed

Life & Health Coach

The Pathfinder Program is a fantastic resource!

"The Pathfinder Program is a fantastic resource! It 's allowed me and my business partner to easily bring structure and clarity to our coaching offer. It's saved us a lot of time and struggle. It's really amazing value, I can't thank you enough."

Rose Harvey

Founder and Director, Bouncement