37 Questions to Ask Yourself When You’re Stuck
Get Unstuck Now
Here are 37 awesome questions guaranteed to shake up your thinking, get you unstuck, and moving forward. I highly encourage you to give them a try your self on any problem you are facing, or feel free to use them with your clients.
- What is the problem?
- A problem well stated is a problem half solved. So, please tell me, how, specifically, it is a problem for you now? I’m looking for the root of it. You’ll know you’ve found the root when you feel a swell of emotion when you think about that one thing. Dig deeper until you find it by asking yourself, “how is this a problem for me now?” over and over until you get there.
- What are you telling yourself about why this is a problem?
- What feelings are you focusing on?
- Are you focusing on the past, present or future?
- Is your focus on yourself or on others?
- Who/what are you blaming for the problem?
- When you are totally honest with yourself, what other excuses are you making?
- Just out of curiosity, what would happen if you decided to take full responsibility for the situation, even if it’s not your fault?
- If you did that now what would be different?
- How would that make you feel?
- How would that impact others?
- What else would change?
- What’s stopping you from doing that now?
- What would you need to change within yourself to be able to move forward now?
- If you could design an outcome that would be mutually beneficial, in the long run, for everyone involved, what would that look like?
- What emotions would you feel if you were able to pull that off right now?
- What would you tell yourself if you could do it?
- What would other people say about you?
- Now that you’ve explored the possibilities a bit more, what’s one thing you could do differently that would help the situation?
- What are your top values?
- How does this situation align with your top values?
- How does it not align with your top values?
- By not sorting out this problem, which of your values are you compromising?
- How many ways do you think you know to overcome this?
- What change are you willing to consider making?
- What would happen if you did make the changes?
- What would happen if you didn’t make those changes?
- What wouldn’t happen if you did make the changes now?
- What wouldn’t happen if you didn’t make the changes now?
- How much do you want to move forward on this?
- Is this the beginning or the end?
- Is it a reward or a punishment?
- Are you going to move forward or are you going to quit?
- So when will you stop this from being a limitation?
- How many ways do you know you have solved this?
- What are you noticing now?
Is Your Brain Fried Yet?
Hope you loved those questions!
They’re guaranteed to get people outside of thier old way of thinking – into new territory and possibilities!
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What question(s) have you found the most helpful to motivate yourself? Your clients?
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Hi Benay
Thanks for the great questions.
My pleasure Car! – B
Great job Benay! I appreciate your wisdome!
Thanks Ken – I love sitting down to write good coaching questions – great for workbooks!
Marco wrote in with these additional awesome questions:
– What result do you expect to have out of this argument (or conversation)?
– So, is what you are doing at this very moment useful for that purpuse or result?
Thanks Marko!