How to be the Boss of your Life

How to be the Boss of your Life

How to be the Boss of your Life Are you at cause or at effect? Roughly 80% of the population walks around in a daze of dis-empowerment while the remaining 20% take responsibility for their results and live empowered lives. You can join the 20% by developing conscious...
Comfort Zones

Comfort Zones

Your comfort zone is represented as the ‘island’ in the diagram to the right. It’s the space, that you already know. We all have one. Your current comfort zone is surrounded by two boundaries that you need to pass through if you want to totally blow...
Mastering Negative Self-talk

Mastering Negative Self-talk

What is Negative Self-talk? Negative self-talk is an inner voice that you use to prevent yourself from doing things. It usually starts when you are afraid. Its purpose is to keep you safe from harm/risk/uncertainty/etc. Most of the time it happens at an unconscious...