3-year Visioning Exercise for Your Coaching Business

3-year Visioning Exercise for Your Coaching Business

At least once a year, it’s helpful to take a step back from the day-to-day running of your coaching business, and look at the bigger picture of what you are trying to achieve and why. A renewed perspective can often cleanse your soul of any anxiety, fears or...
Business Vision Statements, What Do You Really Need?

Business Vision Statements, What Do You Really Need?

Business Vision Statements, What Do You Really Need? This week’s article is from a long time friend and collegue, Amanda McNiece. Amanda is a unique type of business coach who helps trailing spouses start and run a business during overseas postings. The other...
Avoid False Starts in Your Coaching Business

Avoid False Starts in Your Coaching Business

Avoid False Starts in Your Coaching Business Did you know that since working with my very first coaching client seven years ago, I’ve reinvented my coaching business several times? Each new attempt began well enough but as I got into it something just...