by Benay | Sep 8, 2017 | New Coaches Start Here
Last week, an active member of my Online Coach Entrepreneurs Group asked everyone a cool, direct, question that really got all members thinking and sharing. Jane’s question was this… “How long did it takebefore you were making good money from coaching?” Two of...
by Benay | Aug 17, 2016 | New Coaches Start Here
How to Onboard Your Coaching Client Regardless of your coaching niche, every coach should have a client management process. Your coaching client management process is so important because it: Keeps you organized Empowers you to stay on top of client bookings, payments...
by Benay | Apr 11, 2016 | New Coaches Start Here
I believe that as coaching professionals, we should always get something in exchange for our coaching skills and time. Does it always need to be money though? For example… Is it OK to coach for free? Can you trade coaching for a massage, baby sitting or another...
by Benay | Mar 1, 2016 | New Coaches Start Here
Also Available as Audio Click the link below to listen now. Or if you want to grab the audio and listen later, click the link below, then, right click to save file onto your device. LISTEN HERE: The #1 Thing New Coaches Should Focus On When a new coach reaches...
by Benay | Jul 13, 2015 | New Coaches Start Here
Focus! Having a clear niche for your coaching business is wonderful. Your niche helps you: Focus on a sub-set of coaching topics and therefore, become an expert faster. Decide what products you should develop, for who. Spend your marketing budget more wisely. Decide...
by Benay | Jul 3, 2015 | New Coaches Start Here
Choosing a coaching niche is an important first step to developing your online coaching business. Without a clear niche, you’ll come across as totally scattered to your potential fans. Plus, without the scope that a coaching niche provides, you’ll find...