Problems and Failures: the Expert’s Goldmine

Have you noticed that no matter how much of an expert you become in your coaching/consulting niche, there is always so much more to learn?
There is always the next level to climb to, new technology to try out and core skills to be practiced and honed.
The unending amount to learn can really be overwhelming if you let it!
As a teacher, coach, mentor, consultant, it’s critically important to your well being to remind yourself everyday just how far you’ve come and how much you DO know. Be in tune with the time and money you can help clients save – just by being you – with your training and experiences.
Remember your best clients are presently where you once were.
Also, you are an amazing, perfect power. In your way, you are a source for making the world a better place. Your inner fortitude matters. Your journey matters.
Are you getting the most from your expert’s journey?
I started my career as a business systems analyst helping large organizations break their business processes down for IT systems.
Along the way I completed life coach training and have since turned my analytical skills to the coaching industry – developing made-for-you coaching tools for other coaches and for the past few years helping coaches create their own products as well.
Something I often need to remind my clients is how their own evolution towards becoming an expert in their field is an asset.
That includes the problems they faced/are facing, as well as their failures, successes, strategies and philosophies along the way. These are the same things that their clients will eventually face.
Talented coaches often think they are not yet ready to create products but this is quite often due to a lack of self belief more than anything else.
In my experience, most coaches have heaps to offer when they just stop and take the time to map it all out.
So, if you have not already started documenting your processes/steps/approaches, you need to.
You will keep evolving (as you always have – because that is who you are) and you will eventually forget where you are now. Much knowledge that could have been used to help others will be lost. You won’t profit from it and your clients won’t benefit from it.
Now is the time to start capturing your knowledge by documenting it into your own coaching products. And hey, adding in another income stream is a nice perk too!
Are you an experienced coach who’s ready to create and sell your own coaching products onlineIf you’ve answered a resounding, “Yes”, then please check out my Next Generation Product Development (for Coaches) program. It could be exactly what you’ve been waiting for. Get one-on-one Product Development Coaching here.