New Coaches Start Here

If you’re just starting your coaching business this section is for you.

Get the steps for attracting and managing your first clients and more!

How To Write A Meaningful About Page For Your Coaching Website

How To Write A Meaningful About Page For Your Coaching Website

I am always curious to know the origin story of businesses, and the people behind them. The About Us / About Me page is one of the first sections I like to visit when considering purchasing a product or service. Unfortunately, many coaches and companies leave this...

Co-Creating Coaching Contracts With Your Clients

Co-Creating Coaching Contracts With Your Clients

I’ve always thought of writing as a process that helps clarify and solidify things. One of the best ways to clarify goals, expectations, and actions within your coaching program is to create a coaching contract! Put it all into writing and get your client (and...

10 Ways To Get Traffic To Your Coaching Website

What’s the point of having a website for your coaching business if no one sees it? Does your website feel like the tree that falls in the forest and no one is around, does it make a sound? Now more than ever, it is incredibly important that your website get traffic....

Expert V/S Coach

Why is it important to talk about coaching? Why isn’t it enough to just have knowledge and expertise on a topic and call yourself a coach? When you look back on all the guides, mentors, and teachers you’ve had, surely you will remember one who stands out for you. What...

How To Convert Leads To Sales – And Should You?

How To Convert Leads To Sales – And Should You?

Most people view sales as a dirty word. We love to hate being “salesy” and with good reason. Often, when I scroll through Instagram, I’ll come across a really captivating image and start reading the lengthy caption, thinking that person must have put a lot of thought...

Good Money in Coaching – How long does it take?

Good Money in Coaching – How long does it take?

Last week, an active member of my Online Coach Entrepreneurs Group asked everyone a cool, direct, question that really got all members thinking and sharing. Jane’s question was this... “How long did it takebefore you were making good money from...

How to Onboard Your Coaching Client

How to Onboard Your Coaching Client

Regardless of your coaching niche, every coach should have a client management process. Your coaching client management process is so important because it: Keeps you organized Empowers you to stay on top of client bookings, payments and accountability Helps you stand...

Should you coach for free or do trades?

Should you coach for free or do trades?

I believe that as coaching professionals, we should always get something in exchange for our coaching skills and time. Does it always need to be money though? For example... Is it OK to coach for free? Can you trade coaching for a massage, baby sitting or another...