How to Prepare for GDPR
Be Ready for GDPR
Recently I wrote about the GDPR which is taking effect May 25, 2018. This is just 8 days away!
There are just a few things that you need to do to make sure that your website is ready for this big change.
1 – Privacy Policy
You need to have a GDPR compliant privacy policy on your website. If you do not have one you may want to check out https://termsfeed.com/ or https://www.iubenda.com/en/guides and add it to your website. It needs to have its own page and a link needs to be on every page for customers/clients to find easily.
2 – Update Your Forms
If you have a contact form or any forms asking for personal data on your website, you need to make sure that there is a checkbox present that the makes the person contacting you acknowledge that they have read the privacy policy and give their consent for you to use their personal information to contact them. You can see an example of these on my website here and here. The checkboxes must be unchecked and required for completion of the forms.
3 – Update Your Opt ins
If you have any opt ins on your website, they must now have a checkbox that explains exactly what they are signing up for and asks them to read your privacy policy. On my site, I have an overlay on the opt in that will not let someone sign up without giving their consent.
4 – Cookie Notice
You will need to have a cookie notice on your site, I used this one and it was quite simple to use https://silktide.com/tools/cookie-consent/download/ (I am not affiliated with this site, I just used it and found it helpful).
But I am not a lawyer and please do not just take my advice, your case may be different, these are just the basic overall guidelines on that every website that may be seen by someone in the EU will need to have, You may need more.
There is a great resource for more information on Coach Pep Talk, the podcast produced by Benay of Universal Coaching Systems.This episode was with Gordon Firemark who is an attorney and Benay and him get into the details about what coaches need to know. You should really listen to this here right now!
For even more information about the GDPR you can also check out these websites:
There is really no reason to panic or feel overwhelmed with this, if you need help, feel free to contact me here.

Jenny Mitchell
Wordpress Website Designer