Find Your Coaching Sweet Spot

Are you stuck choosing your coaching niche?
I believe that there is little point starting your coaching business until you have a niche.
Before I found my niche, I lacked clarity on who I served and the problem I solve. This made it hard to focus and make strategic business decisions.
My reach was so broad that it was impossible to become the go-to expert or a thought leader on a specific topic.
Since everyone was my target, I wasted money trying to market my business.
It took me years and I went through lots of personal development exercises but eventually I discovered my coaching sweet-spot and the rest is history.
But it actually doesn’t need to take so long.
To help coaches fast-track finding their niche, I wrote a workbook that outlines all of the processes I went through over the years that helped me choose my perfect niche.
Since it was published, many coaches have done the workbook. It takes about 2 days.
The clarity on who and what they are meant to coach has been incredible!
Imagine having a clear niche that roots you solidly to the ground so that you can grow a rich, expansive coaching business. Your niche grounds you and helps you focus.
Until you have a niche you don’t have a business, you are a student learning the art of coaching.
OMgoodness…! Completing The Sweet Spot was definitely the moment my life changed direction! What a journey it was! I can totally recommend to anyone wanting more for their coaching life.
DOWNLOAD your copy The Coaching Sweet- Spot Workbook and get started on your perfect niche TODAY.
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